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President Xi Jinping Emphasizes Crucial Role of Spring Farming During Inspection in Changde, Hunan Province

Changde, March 19, 2024, The Europe Today: In a notable development underscoring the importance of agricultural preparation and spring farming, Xi Jinping, the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, conducted an inspection in the city of Changde, situated in the central province of Hunan, China. This inspection, held on Tuesday, entailed a comprehensive overview of the ongoing spring farming activities and preparatory measures in the region.

President Xi Jinping reiterated the critical significance of sound spring farming practices in ensuring robust grain harvests and bolstering food security for the nation. Emphasizing the collective responsibility incumbent upon all regions and departments, President Xi urged for meticulous planning and execution to guarantee an ample spring sowing area, meticulous field management, and the availability of essential agricultural supplies.

Furthermore, President Xi Jinping advocated for intensified efforts aimed at fostering the seamless integration of high-quality seeds, innovative farming techniques, advanced machinery, and optimized farmland utilization. He stressed the imperative of implementing supportive policies tailored to the agricultural sector and farmers, with a primary focus on securing sustainable incomes for grain farmers. This strategic approach, President Xi underscored, aims to incentivize grain production and lay a solid foundation for augmenting both grain output and farmers’ incomes throughout the year.

President Xi Jinping’s directives underscore a concerted national commitment towards ensuring the prosperity and stability of China’s agricultural sector, in line with broader objectives pertaining to food security and rural revitalization.

The inspection conducted by President Xi Jinping stands as a testament to the Chinese government’s unwavering dedication to advancing agricultural modernization and bolstering the livelihoods of farmers across the nation.