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Vladimir Putin

Turkmenistan President Congratulates Vladimir Putin on Re-election Victory

Ashgabat, March 18, 2024, The Europe Today: President Serdar Berdimuhamedov of Turkmenistan extended warm congratulations to Vladimir Putin on his triumphant re-election as President of the Russian Federation. The heartfelt message, conveyed on behalf of the people and Government of Turkmenistan, as well as President Berdimuhamedov himself, underscored the deep-seated respect and admiration for Putin’s leadership.

According to the Turkmenistan State News Agency (TDH), President Berdimuhamedov commended Putin’s re-election as a testament to the unwavering trust bestowed upon him by the Russian populace and the acknowledgment of his significant contributions to the nation. Berdimuhamedov expressed utmost confidence in Putin’s capacity to steer Russia towards continued economic progress, ensuring prosperity and well-being for all citizens.

The message emphasized Putin’s professionalism and extensive political acumen, highlighting his pivotal role in fostering mutually beneficial cooperation between Turkmenistan and the Russian Federation. President Berdimuhamedov expressed gratitude for Putin’s steadfast commitment to enhancing bilateral relations, affirming Turkmenistan’s readiness to collaborate further for the mutual benefit of both nations.

The statement also lauded the existing robust Turkmen-Russian bilateral ties, which serve as a testament to the fruitful partnership and close interaction across various sectors. President Berdimuhamedov conveyed his sincere wishes for Putin’s good health, prosperity, and resounding success in his elevated governmental role, underscoring the shared aspirations for peace, progress, and prosperity for the friendly people of the Russian Federation.

As diplomatic relations between Turkmenistan and Russia continue to thrive, President Berdimuhamedov’s congratulatory message reaffirms the enduring bonds of friendship and cooperation between the two nations, heralding a promising future of collaborative endeavors and mutual prosperity.