Breaking News

Chinese Commerce Minister Wang Wentao

Chinese Commerce Minister Wang Wentao Meets with Apple CEO Tim Cook to Discuss Bilateral Cooperation

Beijing, March 23, 2024, The Europe Today: Chinese Commerce Minister Wang Wentao engaged in discussions with Apple CEO Tim Cook, underscoring the importance of bilateral economic and trade cooperation between China and the United States.

During the meeting, Minister Wang emphasized the pivotal role that China-U.S. economic and trade relations play in fostering stability and cooperation between the two nations. Wang reaffirmed China’s commitment to collaborating with the United States to establish a fair, stable, and predictable environment for enterprise cooperation.

The dialogue between Wang and Cook touched upon various aspects of Apple’s operations in China and broader economic and trade relations between the two countries. Minister Wang highlighted the robust resilience of the Chinese economy, emphasizing its enduring fundamentals, vast market scale, comprehensive industrial system, and conducive business environment.

Furthermore, Wang underscored China’s ongoing efforts to propel innovation-driven growth, particularly in high-tech fields such as artificial intelligence and cloud computing. He emphasized the substantial opportunities available for global enterprises, including Apple, within China’s dynamic economic landscape.

Expressing China’s warm welcome to Apple’s continued expansion within the country, Minister Wang emphasized the potential for mutual development and cooperation.

In response, CEO Tim Cook acknowledged China’s significance as a critical market and key supply chain partner for Apple. Cook praised China’s abundant talent pool and vibrant innovation ecosystem, highlighting the country’s integral role in Apple’s global operations.

Affirming Apple’s enduring commitment to long-term growth in China, Cook pledged to ramp up investment in the country’s supply chain, research and development initiatives, and sales operations. Cook’s remarks underscored Apple’s dedication to deepening its presence in China and fostering mutually beneficial partnerships.

The meeting between Minister Wang and CEO Cook signifies the importance of fostering constructive dialogue and collaboration between China and one of the world’s leading technology companies, underscoring the potential for continued growth and cooperation in the realm of economic and trade relations.