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ADI Sees China as a Crucial Hub for Technological Innovation and Business Growth

ADI Sees China as a Crucial Hub for Technological Innovation and Business Growth

Beijing, March 25, 2024, The Europe Today: In a recent statement at the China EV100 Forum held in Beijing, Anelise Sacks, the Executive Vice President and Chief Customer Officer of Analog Devices, Inc. (ADI), hailed China as a dynamic crucible for technological and business innovation. Sacks remarked that China, the world’s second-largest economy, serves as a fertile ground for ADI’s pioneering endeavors in the semiconductor industry.

“We love the speed of China and the embracing of new technology,” said Sacks, highlighting the country’s receptiveness to innovation and rapid adoption of cutting-edge solutions. ADI, a global semiconductor maker, has strategically forged partnerships with numerous leading Chinese automakers and suppliers, engaging in collaborative efforts that span from product development to market implementation.

“With those, we are able to bring cutting-edge innovations to the market earlier. Importantly, these innovations will not just remain in China, but will be exported to the world,” affirmed Sacks, underlining ADI’s commitment to global dissemination of technological advancements originating from its collaborations in China.

ADI’s extensive localization efforts underscore its dedication to becoming an integral part of China’s burgeoning technological ecosystem. With decades-long operations in China, the company has entrenched itself within the country’s industrial landscape. Sacks recounted her conversation with ADI’s founder, Ray Stata, who recounted his inaugural visit to China in 1978, marking a pivotal moment in the company’s engagement with the Chinese market.

“Our Chinese customers are great partners helping drive strong growth today while co-creating the innovations of tomorrow,” stated Sacks, emphasizing the symbiotic relationship between ADI and its Chinese counterparts in propelling technological progress in various sectors, particularly the automotive industry.

In the realm of smart new energy vehicles (NEVs), ADI stands at the forefront with its comprehensive suite of products tailored for automotive applications. Among these innovations, the battery management system (BMS) assumes a pivotal role in enhancing vehicle performance, charging efficiency, and battery longevity. ADI’s dominance in the BMS segment is underscored by its collaborations with 16 of the top 20 NEV manufacturers.

Edward Chen, Director of Automotive Marketing at ADI China, elaborated on the company’s localized approach, emphasizing the importance of proximity to the market in swiftly addressing customer demands and introducing innovative solutions. Chen reiterated ADI’s commitment to aligning its operations with China’s dynamic industrial landscape, enabling the timely delivery of products while facilitating the global export of China-manufactured solutions.

“After the phase of ‘In China for China,’ the phase ‘In China for Global’ is what follows in our strategy,” remarked Chen, outlining ADI’s strategic trajectory aimed at leveraging China’s innovation ecosystem to drive global technological advancement.

As ADI continues to deepen its roots in China, the company remains poised to spearhead transformative technological breakthroughs while fostering mutually beneficial collaborations with Chinese partners, thereby shaping the future of the global semiconductor industry.