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Italian Diplomatic Adviser

Uzbekistan Ambassador to Italy Meets Italian Diplomatic Adviser to Boost Agricultural Cooperation

Rome, April 07, 2024, The Europe Today: Ambassador Abat Faizullayev of Uzbekistan recently convened a meeting with Cesare Morbelli, the diplomatic adviser to the Italian Minister of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty, and Forestry, as reported by Azerbaijani media sources.

The discussions centered on the progress of implementing the memorandum of understanding on agricultural cooperation signed between the ministries of agriculture of Uzbekistan and Italy during the official visit of the President of Uzbekistan to Italy in June of the previous year. Both parties explored future prospects for bilateral cooperation in the agricultural sector.

Highlighting the significance of the memorandum, the participants acknowledged that it provides a pivotal framework for enhancing mutual collaboration in agriculture and food-related areas between Uzbekistan and Italy.

During the dialogue, the Italian delegation fondly recalled the successful participation of Minister of Agriculture Francesco Lollobrigida and his team at the international conference on food security hosted in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, in September of the preceding year. The Italian representatives commended Uzbekistan for organizing the event at a commendable standard.

The meeting also recognized the positive developments in collaboration with esteemed Italian institutions such as the Council for Agricultural Research and Economic Analysis (CREA), the Animal Husbandry Association (AIA), the University of Tuscia, and various agribusiness entities.

Furthermore, the Uzbekistani side welcomed the active involvement of local entrepreneurs showcasing their products annually at prominent Italian agricultural and food exhibitions like “Tuttofood,” “McFruit,” and “Cremona.”

Expressing enthusiasm for deeper ties, the Italian side conveyed its readiness to foster relations in technological cooperation, investment initiatives, and agricultural trade.

The productive exchange between Ambassador Faizullayev and Diplomatic Adviser Morbelli underscores the shared commitment of Uzbekistan and Italy to further elevate agricultural collaboration, leveraging mutual expertise and resources for the benefit of both nations’ agricultural sectors. This concerted effort reflects a broader commitment to strengthen bilateral ties and explore new avenues of cooperation in agriculture and related industries.