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Czech Republic and Ukraine Discuss Bilateral Security Agreement

Prague, April 12, 2024, The Europe Today: Czech President Petr Pavel announced during a press conference following the Three Seas Summit in Vilnius, Lithuania, that Czechia is in negotiations for a bilateral security agreement with Ukraine. President Pavel indicated that the agreement could be finalized and signed as early as May or June of this year.

While details of the agreement remain confidential at this stage, President Pavel disclosed that the focus will primarily be on defense-related matters. The agreement may encompass a range of initiatives, potentially involving the provision of material or non-material assistance to Ukraine. This assistance could include intelligence sharing, technology support, defense industry cooperation, or even the transfer of production capabilities to Ukrainian territory.

President Pavel emphasized that the forthcoming agreement underscores Czechia’s commitment to enhancing security and cooperation within the region. He affirmed that both nations are dedicated to strengthening their strategic partnership through mutual collaboration in defense and security domains.

The negotiation of this bilateral security agreement reflects a significant step in deepening the ties between Czechia and Ukraine, furthering their shared objectives in defense and regional stability.

Further updates and details regarding the agreement are anticipated in the coming months as discussions progress towards finalization.