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Central Asia-Gulf Arab States

Second Meeting of Central Asia-Gulf Arab States Cooperation Council Foreign Ministers Set for Tomorrow in Tashkent

Tashkent, April 14, 2024, The Europe Today: Tashkent is poised to host the second meeting of the foreign ministers of the Central Asia-Gulf Arab States Cooperation Council tomorrow, underscoring the burgeoning interregional relations between Uzbekistan, Central Asia, and the Gulf Arab states.

This strategic dialogue represents a significant milestone in fostering centuries-old historical ties, cultural exchanges, and the immense potential for mutually beneficial cooperation. The forum serves as a pivotal international platform, highlighting the growing importance of enhancing collaboration between these regions.

The inaugural ministerial meeting of the Cooperation Council of the Arab States of the Gulf – Central Asia Strategic Dialogue took place on September 7, 2022, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. At this historic gathering, foreign ministers from Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, UAE, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan convened to deliberate on critical issues encompassing politics, security, trade, investment, education, healthcare, culture, youth, and sports.

Today, Central Asian and Gulf Arab states regard each other as dependable partners, actively seeking to expand practical cooperation across political, trade-economic, and cultural-humanitarian domains. The shared historical roots, characterized by longstanding trade relations and common values, underpin the development and activation of mutual cooperation. Furthermore, the unifying factor of Islam serves as a potent bond between the nations.

The promising trajectory of this cooperative format was reaffirmed at the inaugural summit of the Cooperation Council of Central Asian Countries and Gulf Arab States leaders on July 19, 2023, in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. President Shavkat Mirziyoyev highlighted the pivotal role of Gulf countries in global stability and energy security, advocating for strengthened collaboration in policy, technology, investment, green economy initiatives, trade, transport, ecology, climate change, tourism, culture, and education.

Uzbekistan’s robust engagement with Gulf Arab states has culminated in significant milestones, including increased mutual goods exchange and joint projects. Noteworthy collaborations include the construction of solar and wind power plants, demonstrating a commitment to sustainable development and energy diversification.

The upcoming meeting in Tashkent is poised to further galvanize mutual understanding, dialogue, and equal partnership between these rapidly evolving regions. It represents a strategic opportunity to harness the full potential of cooperation and solidify the foundation for enduring partnerships.