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Mayor of Isfahan

Ambassador of Uzbekistan to Iran and Mayor of Isfahan Discuss Enhanced Interregional Cooperation

Isfhan, April 29, 2024, The Europe Today: In a significant diplomatic endeavor, Ambassador Fariddin Nasriyev of Uzbekistan engaged in discussions with the Mayor of Isfahan, Iran, Ali Qasimzadah, as reported by media sources.

The focal point of their meeting revolved around elevating interregional collaboration between the two nations across diverse sectors, including trade, economics, investment, and tourism.

During the deliberations, the Iranian delegation expressed keen interest in bolstering cultural ties with the historic cities of Uzbekistan, particularly emphasizing the importance of nurturing relations with the ancient city of Isfahan.

A pivotal highlight of the discussions was the acknowledgment of the milestone achieved through the signing of a memorandum of understanding, paving the way for granting sister city status to Samarkand and Isfahan. This agreement symbolizes a significant stride towards fostering deeper bonds between the two culturally rich cities.

In line with the aspirations outlined in the memorandum, Mayor Ali Qasimzadah reaffirmed Iran’s commitment to advancing cooperation in various spheres. He proposed the initiation of video conferences involving the mayors of Samarkand and Isfahan to ensure the effective implementation of the agreement. Additionally, he underscored the importance of facilitating exchanges of mutual delegations to catalyze progress in trade, investment, tourism, and cultural exchanges.

The proposed collaboration between Samarkand and Isfahan holds immense potential for synergizing efforts towards economic growth, cultural enrichment, and people-to-people connections. As both nations embark on this journey of enhanced cooperation, the spirit of friendship and collaboration is poised to deepen, contributing to the prosperity and well-being of their respective citizens.

The dialogue between Ambassador Nasriyev and Mayor Qasimzadah underscores the mutual commitment of Uzbekistan and Iran to foster enduring partnerships and harness the shared opportunities for mutual benefit. Such diplomatic initiatives serve as catalysts for strengthening bilateral relations and nurturing a climate of understanding and cooperation between nations.