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Metal Technology Factory

Firefighters Battle Blaze at Metal Technology Factory in Berlin Suburb

Berlin, May 03, 2024, The Europe Today: German firefighters worked tirelessly on Friday to contain a fire that erupted at a metal technology factory situated in the southwest region of Berlin’s urban sprawl. Plumes of dark smoke billowed from the industrial complex, located within the Lichterfelde neighborhood, casting a pall over the surrounding area.

According to statements from a spokesperson for the fire brigade, provided to the German DPA news agency, the conflagration primarily engulfed a technical room on the factory’s first floor, enveloping it entirely in flames. The intensity of the blaze prompted authorities to issue a hazard warning, as the facility reportedly housed chemical substances. Nearby residents received advisories urging them to seal windows and doors to shield against potentially harmful smoke inhalation.

The affected facility is owned by Diehl Metall, a prominent industrial entity. Although the fire did not result in any reported injuries, sections of the building succumbed to the flames, reportedly collapsing under the inferno’s force. Responding to the emergency, approximately 170 firefighters mobilized at the scene, employing extinguishing foam to quell the flames and mitigate further damage.

The Berlin Fire Department relayed updates and safety directives via X, the microblogging platform formerly known as Twitter, ensuring that residents remained informed amid the ongoing firefighting efforts. As investigations into the cause of the blaze continue, the resilient efforts of emergency responders persist in safeguarding lives and property within the affected community.