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Chinese President Xi Jinping

Chinese President Xi Jinping Embarks on State Visit to France, Aiming to Forge Stronger Ties

Paris, May 06, 2024, The Europe Today: In a bid to invigorate bilateral relations and chart a course towards enhanced cooperation, Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived in France on Sunday, extending a message of goodwill and a commitment to fortify the bonds between the two nations.

In a written speech delivered upon his arrival for a state visit, President Xi expressed his aspirations for China and France to illuminate their path forward with the torch of history, envisioning a brighter future for their relations that would contribute significantly to global peace, stability, and development.

During his visit, President Xi articulated his intention to engage in comprehensive discussions with French President Emmanuel Macron, focusing on the evolving landscape of China-France and China-Europe relations amidst contemporary challenges. Additionally, the leaders will deliberate on key international and regional issues, reflecting the shared commitment to fostering mutual understanding and cooperation.

President Xi underscored the significance of his visit in cementing the enduring friendship between China and France, fostering political trust, forging strategic consensus, and deepening collaboration across various domains. Expressing gratitude for the invitation extended by President Macron, President Xi highlighted the auspiciousness of commencing his third state visit to the French Republic.

The historical resonance of the occasion was not lost on President Xi, who recalled previous visits to France in 2014 and 2019, coinciding with the 50th and 55th anniversaries of diplomatic relations. As the two nations commemorate the 60th anniversary of their diplomatic ties, President Xi conveyed warm greetings and well wishes on behalf of the Chinese government and people to their French counterparts.

Reflecting on the rich tapestry of cultural exchange between China and France, President Xi emphasized the enduring legacy of mutual appreciation and admiration, spanning centuries of interaction. From the Enlightenment era’s intellectual exchange to the establishment of formal diplomatic relations amid the geopolitical complexities of the Cold War, China and France have exemplified the possibilities of peaceful coexistence and mutually beneficial cooperation across diverse societal frameworks.

In recent years, the bilateral relationship has ascended to unprecedented heights, marked by remarkable strides in cooperation spanning aviation, aerospace, nuclear energy, agrifood, and sustainable development. President Xi lauded the robust collaboration between the two nations on climate action, biodiversity conservation, and global governance, highlighting the ongoing activities of the China-France Year of Culture and Tourism as emblematic of their shared commitment to fostering cultural exchange and understanding.

President Xi’s arrival in France was met with warm receptions, symbolizing the enduring bonds between the two nations and underscoring the significance of his visit in advancing the shared aspirations for prosperity, stability, and cooperation on the global stage. As China and France embark on a new chapter in their diplomatic journey, the world watches with anticipation, recognizing the pivotal role of their partnership in shaping the trajectory of international relations.