Islamabad, May 09, 2024, The Europe Today: The 2nd International Conference on Media and Communication Studies 2024, held on 7 May 2024 at Foundation University Islamabad by the Department of Arts and Media under the supervision of HoD Dr Hina Shahid. Rector Foundation University Islamabad, Maj Gen Muhammad Kaleem Asif HI (M) (Retd) was the Chief Guest of the ceremony. Key Note speaker Senator Mushahid Hussain Syed and Guest of Honor, Ambassador of the Republic of Tajikistan in Pakistan, His Excellency Mr. Shafiev Saidjon Ismoil, were warmly welcomed by the Pro Rector Professor Dr Abdul Ghafoor and HoD Dr Hina Shahid. Other notable dignitaries include Mr. Khalid Taimur Akram, Executive Director, Pakistan Research Center for a Community with Shared Future (PRCCSF), Islamabad who bring attention towards the importance of media’s role in regional connectivity.

ICMACS 2024 brought together esteemed academics, industry professionals, and experts in the field of media and communication from all over Pakistan and around the world. The International Conference on Media and Communication Studies 2024 showcased a wide range of research work including 42 paper presentations, 6 poster presentations, and 4 workshops, and an elaborative art exhibition, attendees had the opportunity had the opportunity to delve into diverse topics and engage in insightful discussions that highlighted new trends, advancements, and challenges towards the latest developments in the field.

Rector Foundation University Islamabad, Maj Gen Muhammad Kaleem Asif HI (M) (Retd) presented the university plaque to the honorable guests, the Ambassador of the Republic of Tajikistan in Pakistan, His Excellency Mr. Shafiev Saidjon Ismoil and Senator Mushahid Hussain Syed. Ambassador of the Republic of Tajikistan in Pakistan, His Excellency Mr. Shafiev Saidjon Ismoil Tajikistan presented the Tajikistan’s national dresses, caps and books to Senator Mushahid Hussain Syed, Rector FUI, Pro Rector FUI and HoD Dr Hina Shahid as a token of appreciation.