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China's Commercial Vehicle

China’s Commercial Vehicle Sales Surge in First Four Months of 2024

Beijing, May 11, 2024, The Europe Today: According to industry data released by the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, commercial vehicle sales in China experienced a robust 8.1 percent year-on-year growth in the initial four months of 2024.

During this period, a total of 1.39 million commercial vehicles were sold, comprising 1.1 million units domestically and 288,000 units exported to international markets.

Remarkably, China’s commercial vehicle exports demonstrated significant strength, surging by 26.5 percent compared to the corresponding period last year, a trend indicative of the country’s growing presence in the global automotive market.

Truck sales constituted a substantial portion of the overall figures, with 1.23 million trucks sold from January to April, marking a notable 7.3 percent increase year on year.

The nation’s bus sector also experienced considerable growth, with sales soaring by 14.7 percent year on year to reach a total of 158,000 units during the same period.

This upward trajectory in commercial vehicle sales underscores China’s resilience and dynamism in the automotive industry, positioning the country as a key player both domestically and internationally. The data reflects a promising start to the year for China’s automotive sector, indicating sustained momentum and potential for further expansion in the months ahead.