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Chinese Political Advisory Body Convenes Session to Advance High-Quality Development of Population

Beijing, May 11, 2024, The Europe Today: The National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), the preeminent political advisory body in China, convened a pivotal consultation session on Saturday aimed at charting a course for the high-quality development of the nation’s population, a cornerstone of Chinese modernization efforts.

In attendance at the session was Wang Huning, a distinguished member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, and Chairman of the CPPCC National Committee. Wang delivered keynote remarks underscoring the paramount significance of population-related matters in driving the sustainable advancement of the Chinese nation. He urged the CPPCC to offer strategic insights on pivotal population issues to bolster the trajectory of Chinese modernization.

Central to Wang’s address was a call to fortify the theoretical underpinnings, research endeavors, and practical efficacy of consultations, stressing the application of Marxist Population Theory as a lens to analyze emerging population dynamics, trends, and challenges confronting China.

The session, which drew the participation of nearly 100 CPPCC National Committee members, served as a platform for robust deliberations. Officials from the Committee of Population, Resources, and Environment of the CPPCC National Committee presented key research findings, while 23 political advisors and experts contributed their perspectives on the subject.

Chinese Vice Premier Liu Guozhong, a distinguished member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, also addressed the gathering, further underscoring the strategic importance of population-related initiatives in China’s overarching developmental agenda.

The consultation session epitomized China’s proactive approach to addressing critical national imperatives, reaffirming the nation’s commitment to fostering sustainable and inclusive growth by prioritizing the high-quality development of its populace.