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Ashgabat Hosts International Scientific Conference Celebrating 300th Anniversary of Magtymguly Fragi

Ashgabat, May 19, 2024, The Europe Today: The city of Ashgabat has become the center of an International Scientific Conference titled “The Fount of the Mind of Magtymguly Fragi,” commemorating the 300th anniversary of the renowned Turkmen poet and thinker. Organized by the Institute of Language, Literature, and National Manuscripts of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, the conference attracted scientists and experts from over 30 countries, as reported by TDH.

In his opening remarks, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underscored the profound significance of Magtymguly’s creative legacy for the evolution of both Turkmen and global literature. He highlighted that Magtymguly’s works, rich with humanistic values, celebrate love, wisdom, and human dignity, offering a beacon of inspiration for all of humanity.

International delegates, including representatives from UNESCO and TURKSOY, commended Turkmenistan’s dedication to promoting its classical heritage. They expressed their gratitude for the invitation and lauded the high level of organization of the event, which fosters humanitarian connections and intercultural dialogue.

The conference featured in-depth discussions on the literary and philosophical contributions of Magtymguly, exploring the interconnections between Eastern languages and literatures. Participants highlighted the special importance of the poet’s handwritten manuscripts as crucial subjects for ongoing scientific research.

The forum stands as a testament to Magtymguly Fragi’s enduring influence and the continued efforts to preserve and celebrate his invaluable contributions to literature and human thought.