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PNCA Hosts Screening of “Kazakh Khanate – The Golden Throne” in Urdu, Strengthening Cultural Ties Between Kazakhstan and Pakistan

Islamabad, May 24, 2024, The Europe Today: The Pakistan National Council of the Arts (PNCA), in collaboration with the Embassy of Kazakhstan in Pakistan, organized a special screening of the historical film “Kazakh Khanate – The Golden Throne,” dubbed in Urdu. This event represents a significant milestone in fostering cultural relations between Kazakhstan and Pakistan.

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Attaullah Tarar, Pakistan’s Minister of Information and Broadcasting, and National Heritage and Culture, attended the event as the Chief Guest. In his welcoming address, Minister Tarar underscored the importance of cultural exchanges in enhancing mutual understanding and strengthening people-to-people connections between the two countries.

Kazakhstan’s Ambassador to Pakistan, Yerzhan Kistafin, also spoke at the event, highlighting the efforts and successes achieved through cultural cooperation. Ambassador Kistafin announced plans to organize similar cultural events regularly in both Kazakhstan and Pakistan. He also mentioned the forthcoming signing of a Memorandum of Cooperation in the field of information, scheduled for later this year.

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The screening drew a diverse audience, including representatives from Pakistan’s official, business, academic, and creative communities. The film concluded to a standing ovation from the Pakistani audience, who lauded the performances of the Kazakh actors and appreciated the cultural and traditional parallels between the two nations.

Guests at the event expressed high praise for the film and the collaborative initiatives that bridge cultural gaps through cinema, reflecting shared heritage and fostering a deeper connection between the people of Kazakhstan and Pakistan.