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Chinese President Xi Jinping

Chinese President Xi Jinping Calls for Modernization of Public Security Work

Beijing, May 29, 2024, The Europe Today: Chinese President Xi Jinping has emphasized the need for modernizing the country’s public security efforts. Xi, who also serves as the general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, made these remarks on Tuesday while addressing police personnel at a national conference on public security work in Beijing.

The high-profile meeting was attended by key figures including Li Qiang, Cai Qi, Ding Xuexiang, and Li Xi, all members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee.

During the conference on Wednesday, senior CPC official Chen Wenqing urged the police force to maintain loyalty, integrity, and readiness. He stressed the importance of preventing risks, ensuring security and stability, enhancing the quality, efficiency, and credibility of law enforcement, and strengthening the police force through comprehensive reforms.

This national conference follows the last one held in 2019, marking significant advancements in China’s public security landscape. A recent press conference by the Ministry of Public Security highlighted notable improvements in social order over the past few years. Efforts to combat organized crime and telecom fraud have significantly contributed to China’s reputation as one of the safest countries globally.

According to official statistics, the index reflecting Chinese people’s sense of security reached 98.2 percent in 2023, a substantial increase from 87.55 percent in 2012. These figures underscore the success of enhanced police measures and the ongoing commitment to public safety.

President Xi’s call for modernization aims to build on these successes, ensuring that China’s public security infrastructure remains robust and capable of addressing contemporary challenges. The leadership’s focus on reform and efficiency is set to further bolster the nation’s law enforcement capabilities and public confidence.