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Xi Jinping Calls for Peace Conference on Gaza Conflict at Beijing Forum

Beijing, May 30, 2024, The Europe Today: Chinese President Xi Jinping has called for a broad-based peace conference to address Israel’s ongoing war on besieged Gaza. He made this appeal during a speech to Arab leaders and diplomats at a forum in Beijing on Thursday.

China is hosting Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi and several other Arab leaders this week for discussions expected to focus on the Gaza conflict. Addressing the delegations, Xi emphasized China’s support for a comprehensive peace conference to resolve the longstanding conflict in the Middle East.

“The Middle East is a land bestowed with broad prospects for development, but the war is still raging on it,” Xi stated. “War should not continue indefinitely. Justice should not be absent forever.”

Xi reiterated China’s position on the conflict, advocating for Palestine’s full membership in the United Nations and endorsing a more inclusive, authoritative, and effective international peace conference.

China has maintained good relations with Israel and has long supported a two-state solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict. Xi’s call for a peace conference underscores China’s commitment to fostering stability and development in the Middle East through diplomatic and peaceful means.

The forum in Beijing, which brings together key Arab leaders, highlights China’s proactive role in seeking resolutions to international conflicts and promoting global peace initiatives.