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Uzbek Ambassador Presents Religious Literature to “Assalom” Mosque in Tokyo

Tokyo, June 02, 2024, The Europe Today: Uzbek Ambassador to Japan Muhsinhoja Abdurakhmanov has handed over a collection of religious and educational literature to the “Assalom” mosque in Tokyo. The presentation ceremony was reported by a “Dunyo” AA correspondent.

The event saw participation from Imam-khatib Muhammad Nazir of the “Assalom” mosque and prominent activists from the Uzbek diaspora in Japan.

The collection, provided by the Office of Muslims of Uzbekistan, includes the Holy Qur’an, works by Sheikh Muhammad Sadiq Muhammad Yusuf, “Tafsiri Hilal”, “Bakhtiyar Ayila”, and several other significant texts. These books now enrich the library of the “Assalom” mosque, serving as valuable resources for both religious study and interfaith dialogue.

Ambassador Abdurakhmanov and the attendees highlighted the extensive reforms and programs Uzbekistan has implemented in the field of religious education. These initiatives aim to further enhance the activities and effectiveness of religious institutions in the country.

Imam Muhammad Nazir expressed profound gratitude for the donation, underscoring the importance of the collection in showcasing the spiritual heritage of Uzbekistan. He remarked that these books would significantly contribute to promoting inter-ethnic and inter-confessional harmony among the mosque’s visitors.

Additionally, Imam Nazir announced plans to rebuild Tokyo’s central mosque, drawing inspiration from similar complexes in Tashkent. He revealed his intention to visit Uzbekistan to gain insights and experience for this ambitious project.

The ceremony underscored the enduring friendship and cooperation between Uzbekistan and Japan, highlighting their mutual respect for cultural and religious diversity.