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Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region

President Xi Jinping Emphasizes Ethnic Unity During Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Visit

Yinchuan, June 20, 2024, The Europe Today: During an inspection visit to northwest China’s Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region on Wednesday, President Xi Jinping underscored the importance of ethnic unity in fostering national cohesion and development. Visiting a multi-ethnic residential community in the region’s capital city, Yinchuan, President Xi expressed his satisfaction at witnessing the harmonious and happy coexistence of residents from diverse ethnic backgrounds.

“Ethnic unity is very important,” President Xi stated. “The 56 ethnic groups unite together to forge the community of the Chinese nation. The Chinese nation is a big family.”

Highlighting the significance of unity in the broader context of national goals, President Xi called for concerted efforts to advance Chinese modernization and realize national rejuvenation. His remarks reflect the government’s ongoing commitment to promoting social harmony and collective progress among China’s diverse population.

President Xi’s visit to Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region and his emphasis on ethnic unity are seen as pivotal in reinforcing the bonds that unite the Chinese nation. By promoting inclusivity and shared values, the leadership aims to ensure that all ethnic groups contribute to and benefit from the country’s modernization and development efforts.