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President Mirziyoyev Speech on Uzbekistan’s 33rd Independence Day

Hello, dear compatriots!

Dear guests!

Ladies and gentlemen!

Dear people, I am happy to congratulate you, our multi-ethnic nation, on today’s great day from the bottom of my heart, and express my high respect and best wishes to all of you.

Happy Independence Day to all of us!

Dear friends!

In these exciting moments, we all deeply feel how precious our national independence is and its historical importance.

It was thanks to independence that our national statehood was restored. Uzbekistan has entered a new historical period. It is precisely because of independence that we have taken a worthy place in the world community.

No matter how much we are proud of this, it is worth being proud of.

On such an auspicious day, it is natural to remember with gratitude the memory of our patriotic ancestors who fought for the independence of Uzbekistan.

They are our great-grandfathers who started their nation towards development, our great ancestors who sacrificed their lives for national liberation. They are our heroes who remained faithful to the ideals of national independence and freedom even in extremely difficult conditions. Today, relying on their noble ideas and principles, we are creating the foundations of a new life and a new society.

We will never forget the names of these devoted breeds!

Their memory will always live in our hearts!

Dear holiday participants!

In recent years, we have taken great steps towards the establishment of New Uzbekistan. The great power of independence is clearly manifested in our every work and every achievement.

Our country is opening up to the world, and the world is opening up to our country. Our friends and partners in our region and all over the world are increasing.

In the last 7 years, based on the initiatives of Uzbekistan, the United Nations General Assembly has adopted more than 10 resolutions, including 4 special resolutions this year.

The World Bank has predicted that the country’s gross domestic product will grow by 5.3 percent this year. This is a very high rate compared to many countries. As recognized by the International Monetary Fund, in 2023 our gross domestic product will exceed 100 billion dollars for the first time.

“For human dignity, for the happiness of the country!” is the spirit and content of all our reforms. the noble idea is penetrating deep.

Our economic achievements allow us to increase the amount of pensions and allowances from September this year, and from October the salaries of budget employees, doctors and teachers.

Our people have a growing sense of belonging to the solution of life’s problems, an active citizenship position. Our residents are actively participating in the “Initiative Budget” project and independently decide on the financing of neighborhoods and social facilities. This is confirmed by the fact that 11 trillion soums were allocated for more than 13,000 projects approved by our compatriots in the past period.

We have strengthened the work on modern systems of ecological protection, efficient use of natural resources, including water resources.

The “Green Space” program continues in our country. In particular, the greening of the bottom of the Aral Sea is being successfully carried out. Most importantly, this project is helping to prevent the spread of dust and salt across the region.

Dear compatriots!

Today, our young children are contributing to the development of New Uzbekistan.

Confirmation of this was once again evident at the XXXIII Summer Olympic Games held recently in Paris. Our determined boys and girls won 8 gold, 2 silver, and 3 bronze medals at the world’s largest sports conference.

Especially, our brave and brave boxers Bahadir Jalolov, Hasanboy Dosmatov, our taekwondo player Ulug’bek Rashitov received the high honor of being the two-time Olympic champion. They opened a glorious page in the history of our national sport.

Undoubtedly, Olympic champions Diyora Keldiyorova, Lazizbek Mullajonov, Abdumalik Khalokov, Asadkhoja Moydinkhojaev, Razambek Jamalov, silver medalists Svetlana Osipova, Akbar Joraev, bronze medalists Alisher Yusupov, Muzaffarbek Toraboev and Gulomjon Abdullaev also showed a truly heroic example on the Paris fields.

Glory be to our winners and victorious athletes who literally achieved record results and unparalleled achievements in the history of Uzbekistan!

Of course, all the achievements and results achieved on the fields of Paris were a fitting holiday gift of our Olympians to our people.

I would like to take this opportunity to once again sincerely congratulate our talented athletes, their parents and teachers, who raised the flag of our country at the Paris Olympics.

These days, more and more happy news are coming from Paris. Our Paralympic boys and girls are also giving gifts suitable for the Independence Day.

Our skilled athletes Asila Mirzayorova, Qudratulla Marufkhojaev, Elbek Sultanov won gold medals, our tenacious children Ziyodakhan Isokova, Kubaro Hakimova won silver medals, and Muslima Odilova, Talibboy Yoldoshev, Mohigul Hamdamova won bronze medals.

Here are our heroes and wrestlers! Praise and congratulations to them!

We sincerely welcome these brave and selfless children of ours, and we believe that our sportsmen, inspired by such achievements, will definitely achieve higher goals and will definitely return to our country with great victories.

Dear friends!

Today’s extremely complicated and dangerous period is laying before us new tests and problems. However, no matter how hard life is, we will continue democratic reforms in our country, mobilize all our strength and capabilities to please our people, strengthen peace and stability.

From now on, we will pay great attention to providing our Armed Forces with modern weapons and equipment, increasing their combat and moral potential.

But maintaining peace should not be the work of our military alone. This must be the sacred duty of all of us, every citizen of Uzbekistan.

The strength of the country is in unity, the value is in peace!

Dear compatriots!

Currently, we are focusing on five priority directions in building New Uzbekistan.

These include, first of all, establishing a quality education system, business development, creating a justice system free from corruption, radically improving the health sector, and ensuring environmental stability.

The solution to our problems, the answer to our questions is only and only in education. The key that opens all doors is education and training.

For this reason, we adopted a major program of school education reform. In our schools, first of all, special attention is paid to in-depth teaching of mother tongue and literature. In order to provide quality education in foreign languages ​​to our children, we bring foreign language speakers. Schoolchildren are provided with modern textbooks prepared on the basis of world best practices.

We aim to turn Uzbekistan into a major educational center by opening branches of world-renowned universities in our country. Our young people studied in leading foreign universities, gained experience, and decided to serve for the development of the Motherland. For this purpose, we create more comfortable opportunities for them through the “El-yurt umidi” fund. In particular, we should pay special attention to the education and occupation of women.

I would like to say to the respected parents: teach your daughters, help them realize their dreams!

As our elders say, if we educate a boy, a person will become literate. If we educate a girl child, the whole family, the whole society will be educated!

Today I want to appeal to all the youth of Uzbekistan.

My dear sons and daughters, we see the future of our country, the answer to all our noble intentions in your image. We wish you to achieve great achievements and victories in various fields in the future and spread our country to the world.

Be proud, you are capable of great things!

Always believe in your strength, determination and ability!

Our state, our people, the President will always support you in this way and will not spare any help.

Dear holiday participants!

We will continue our efforts to become a member of the World Trade Organization. We will gradually abolish monopoly rights and privileges granted to individual companies and ensure equal rights for all.

This year, we made a decision to terminate 17 types of state monopolies in the fields of energy, oil and gas, water management, road construction, railway and airport services. By continuing these activities, we will certainly make our country an integral part of the international trade space.

Another urgent issue is providing the population with decent jobs. We rely on our entrepreneurs for this. Therefore, we will extend our support to them even further.

We communicate face-to-face with entrepreneurs every year. We are taking appropriate decisions to support the industry by finding solutions to their problems.

The time itself requires our businessmen to think and work on a large scale, to create competitive products in world markets.

We wish them luck and success in this way.

Dear compatriots!

We are now a large nation of 37 million. Uzbekistan is currently one of the 40 largest countries in the world in terms of population. We have to turn this number into a great potential with our reforms, hard work, knowledge and skills.

Taking into account that we have limited access to the sea, it is necessary to focus our attention on creative fields and develop them rapidly. There are many countries in the world that earn billions of dollars a year from the export of creative industry products. Therefore, we strongly encourage our creative businessmen, especially our youth, who are determined to produce such products.

Dear friends!

Eight years ago, we identified Central Asia as the top priority of our foreign policy. On this basis, friendly relations with our neighbors have improved radically.

With the selfless work of all of us, the dream of a New Central Asia in which our peoples have developed steadily, where the spirit of peace and harmony reigns, is becoming a reality.

Our region is rapidly developing as one of the centers of economic growth and investment activity.

Based on today’s unique historical opportunities, it is necessary to create an all-round healthy political environment, a free and safe future for future generations in Central Asia.

At the moment, we will raise our equal, mutually beneficial relations with all countries of the world to a new level.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to our foreign friends and partners who have been supporting the initiatives aimed at ensuring sustainable development and progress of New Uzbekistan, and to the representatives of the diplomatic corps participating in today’s ceremony.

Dear compatriots!

These days, our country is on the verge of an important political event. On October 27, elections will be held to the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan and regional representative bodies.

These elections will be held on the basis of the mixed electoral system, as in developed countries, in the socio-political environment defined by our updated Constitution. It was decided that the share of our respectable women should be at least 40 percent when nominating candidates to the Legislative Chamber by political parties.

I believe that the upcoming elections will be held in a highly competitive environment in full compliance with international election standards and national election legislation.

Using this opportunity, I call on all our people to actively participate in the election and vote for New Uzbekistan, for a free and prosperous life, for the happiness and prospects of our children.

Dear and respected compatriots!

Today, the intense life itself is calling all of us to greater goals. Our main task is to make the independent state, free and free society, which we built with our own strength and potential, stronger, more beautiful and prosperous.

This is such a high goal, it is worth working hard to achieve it.

It is such a great, honorable cause that it is worth giving our whole being to it.

I believe that all of us, working together, using our intelligence, knowledge, experience, and energy, will definitely reach this great destination. We will definitely build our bright and bright future – New Uzbekistan!

Taking advantage of today’s opportunity, I bow with filial love to our great nation, which has united around such a noble idea, supports our reforms, and is building a new building of life with selfless work.

Dear people, I once again sincerely congratulate our people on the thirty-third anniversary of the independence of our country.

Long live the Republic of Uzbekistan!

Long live the people of Uzbekistan!