Breaking News

Anwar Ibrahim

Anwar Ibrahim to Continue Tradition of Connecting with Malaysians Over Simple Meals at Hawker Stalls

Klang, September 27, 2024 – The Europe Today: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has reaffirmed his commitment to maintaining his weekly tradition of dining at hawker stalls and eateries on Fridays to engage directly with everyday Malaysians.

Anwar, who has preferred simple meals with the public over lunches at five-star hotels, emphasized that this practice helps him stay connected with the people and understand their concerns.

“Many have invited me to lunch at luxurious places, but I choose to eat at regular stalls every Friday throughout my five-year term as Prime Minister,” Anwar shared during a meet-and-greet session with employees of West Ports Malaysia Bhd. “I want to hear their concerns—whether it’s about rent, hawker amenities, or the rising cost of goods. Listening to their issues allows me to address them to the best of my abilities.”

Anwar criticized seasonal politicians who only visit hawker stalls during election periods, stating, “This is the Madani government, and God-willing, I will continue this practice every week for the next five years.”

Since assuming office in November 2022, Anwar has made it a point to have lunch at local eateries before Friday prayers, prioritizing direct engagement with the public.

During his visit to West Ports, Anwar also addressed ongoing road safety concerns in Port Klang, acknowledging that federal allocations would be approved to resolve these issues. He noted that road expansions would take time but expressed support for the project, particularly given the frequency of lorry accidents in the area.

“I’ll review the necessary allocations after Friday prayers,” Anwar assured, adding that while specific figures for the road expansion could not be disclosed yet, the matter is under final review.

As the Finance Minister, Anwar is preparing the 2025 Budget, which will be presented in Parliament on October 18.