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Caspian Sea Day

Caspian Sea Day Celebrated in Avaza National Tourist Zone with International Participation

Avaza, August 13, 2024, The Europe Today: A ceremonial celebration of Caspian Sea Day took place in the Avaza National Tourist Zone, bringing together representatives from Caspian states and international organizations to highlight regional cooperation and sustainable development efforts.

The centerpiece of the event was the scientific and practical conference titled “The Caspian Sea: Partnership for Sustainable Development.” High-ranking officials from Turkmenistan, diplomats from the Caspian countries, and representatives from international organizations such as the United Nations (UN), the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), and the World Bank attended the conference. Discussions focused on a broad array of topics related to the sustainable development of the Caspian region, environmental protection, and the enhancement of international cooperation.

Key issues addressed during the conference included the importance of collaboration among Caspian countries in the fields of ecology, economics, and social development. Participants underscored the significance of the Framework Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Caspian Sea, which has been ratified by all Caspian states and serves as the foundation for developing new legal frameworks aimed at environmental preservation.

Special emphasis was placed on environmental monitoring and scientific research to preserve the Caspian Sea’s biological diversity and restore its ecosystems. International organizations, including the UN and OSCE, voiced strong support for Turkmenistan’s initiatives to promote environmental safety and the sustainable use of the sea’s resources.

In conjunction with the conference, a thematic exhibition was held in the lobby of the hotel complex, showcasing the natural beauty of the Caspian Sea and Turkmenistan’s achievements in environmental protection.

Participants praised Turkmenistan’s efforts to foster a favorable investment climate and develop the Avaza tourist zone, which is seen as a model for the rational use of the region’s natural resources. The event concluded with a unanimous agreement on the necessity of continued cooperation and strengthened partnerships to ensure the sustainable development of the Caspian region.