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Azerbaijan’s Operation in Garabagh Aligned with UN Resolutions, Says Armenian Parliament Speaker

Baku, October 21, 2024 – The Europe Today: News Hub Consultants, citing Azerbaijani media, reported that Alen Simonyan, Speaker of the Armenian Parliament, acknowledged Azerbaijan’s compliance with international law in its recent actions in Garabagh. During an interview, Simonyan revealed that Azerbaijan’s military operation was conducted in line with three to four United Nations (UN) resolutions.

In explaining Armenia’s defeat in the Second Garabagh War, Simonyan expressed deep disappointment over the international community’s response. “During the Second Garabagh War, we [Armenia] were very disappointed because the world did not respond to the war in the way we had hoped. One of the reasons for this was the lack of legitimacy on our side,” he said.

Simonyan emphasized that Armenian officials have started to come to terms with the reality of the situation. “It’s encouraging to see Armenian officials acknowledging what Azerbaijan has been asserting all along. Everything Azerbaijan did to restore its territorial integrity and sovereignty was in full compliance with international law,” he added.

The recognition from an Armenian official signals a shift in Armenia’s approach to the conflict and its outcomes, highlighting a growing acceptance of the broader legal framework that governed Azerbaijan’s actions.