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Chancellor Scholz Surveys Flood-Ravaged Landscapes in Northern Germany’s Lower Saxony

Berlin, December 31, 2023, The Europe Today: Germany’s Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, arrived in the town of Verden, situated approximately 90 kilometers northwest of Hanover, as part of his tour through regions in Germany severely impacted by floods. Addressing the challenges posed by weather and nature on New Year’s Eve in Verden, Chancellor Scholz emphasized the importance of national unity in the face of adversity.

He highlighted the collaborative efforts of various state institutions, including the police, fire department, armed forces, and volunteers, working collectively to combat the ongoing floods. Engaging in a flyover of the affected areas in northern Lower Saxony, Chancellor Scholz subsequently received a comprehensive briefing on the situation in Verden along the Aller River.

In the wake of persistent heavy rainfall, floods have wrought havoc across multiple northern regions of Germany over the past few days. A significant contingent of emergency forces, numbering in the thousands, has been actively involved in confronting the aftermath of these floods, with a particular focus on the northern states of Lower Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, and North Rhine-Westphalia.

While there has been a modest reduction in water levels reported along the Aller River, coursing through Lower Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt, authorities express apprehension regarding the integrity of dykes that have been heavily compromised by the floods, raising concerns of potential breaches in multiple locations.