Tokyo, January 06, 2024, The Europe Today: In 2023, Japan experienced its highest average temperature since record-keeping began in 1898, as reported by the Japan Meteorological Agency.
Global warming and the influence of high atmospheric pressure systems contributed to this unprecedented warmth, with the average temperature exceeding the 30-year mean through 2020 by 1.29 degrees Celsius. This surpasses the previous record set in 2020, marking a concerning trend of rising temperatures.
The years from 2019 to 2023 collectively rank as the top five hottest in recorded history for Japan. Notably, record-high average temperatures were observed throughout the spring, summer, and autumn of 2023, with monthly records set in March, July, August, and September.
The agency attributes these elevated temperatures to climate change, a persistent warm air blanket from spring to autumn, and the influence of high-pressure systems over southern Japan. Additionally, the agency suggests that the record-high ocean surface temperatures near Japan may have contributed to the overall atmospheric warming.
The highest recorded temperature in 2023 reached 40 degrees Celsius in Date, Fukushima Prefecture, on August 5, and in Komatsu, Ishikawa Prefecture, on August 10. The lingering heat extended into autumn, with central Tokyo experiencing 27.5 degrees Celsius on November 7, setting a century-high record for November temperatures.