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China Denounces U.S. Chip Export Controls as Suppression of Chinese Semiconductor Industry

China Denounces U.S. Chip Export Controls as Suppression of Chinese Semiconductor Industry

Beijing, January 08, 2024, The Europe Today: Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning, in a Monday press briefing, criticized the United States for intensifying control over chip exports to China, labeling it as economic bullying under the guise of national security.

Mao asserted that U.S. semiconductor export controls violate the most-favored-nation principle outlined in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). Additionally, the spokesperson highlighted the U.S. blacklisting of China’s telecom equipment companies and restrictions on Chinese-made telecom equipment entering the U.S. market, contending that such actions breach GATT stipulations on eliminating quantitative restrictions and Technical Barriers to Trade Agreement provisions.

Mao argued that despite emphasizing international rules, the U.S. consistently disregards and violates existing regulations. Citing the example of Nvidia RTX 4090, a consumer graphics card for video game enthusiasts, Mao noted how U.S. export controls forced the company to withdraw the product from the Chinese market. Accusing the U.S. of engaging in economic coercion rather than security concerns, Mao characterized these actions as unilateral bullying without principles, hindering emerging markets and developing countries’ pursuit of a better life.

Mao warned that such behavior undermines global industrial and supply chain stability, fosters division, and undermines international cooperation, asserting that this selfish approach will ultimately have repercussions.