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China Reports Surge in Newly Established Foreign-Invested Enterprises Despite a Slight Dip in FDI

Beijing, January 19, 2024, The Europe Today: The Ministry of Commerce in China revealed on Friday that the number of newly established foreign-invested enterprises reached an impressive 53,766 in 2023, marking a significant 39.7 percent year-on-year growth. Despite this surge, the actual foreign direct investment (FDI) reached over 1.13 trillion yuan (approximately 160 billion U.S. dollars), showing a slight decrease of 8 percent compared to the previous year.

Breaking down the FDI figures by sectors, the manufacturing industry received 317.92 billion yuan in 2023, reflecting a 1.8 percent decline. However, high-tech manufacturing experienced a notable 6.5 percent increase in FDI during the same period.

The Ministry of Commerce emphasized that high-tech industries attracted 423.34 billion yuan, constituting 37.3 percent of the total FDI amount last year. This marked a 1.2 percentage point expansion in its share compared to the previous year.

In the service industry, actual FDI amounted to 776.08 billion yuan, representing a 13.4 percent decrease. Nevertheless, the construction sector and research and design services experienced notable increases of 43.7 percent and 4.1 percent, respectively.

The data also revealed a surge in FDI originating from several countries. France, Britain, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and Australia saw increases of 84.1 percent, 81 percent, 31.5 percent, 21.4 percent, and 17.1 percent, respectively.

The data also revealed a surge in FDI originating from several countries. France, Britain, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and Australia saw increases of 84.1 percent, 81 percent, 31.5 percent, 21.4 percent, and 17.1 percent, respectively.

Despite the slight dip in overall FDI, the substantial growth in newly established foreign-invested enterprises underscores the continued attractiveness of China’s market for foreign investors.