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China and Portugal

China and Portugal Celebrate 45 Years of Diplomatic Relations, Pledge to Strengthen Ties

Beijing, February 08, 2024, The Europe Today: In a diplomatic exchange marking the 45th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Portugal, Chinese President Xi Jinping and his Portuguese counterpart, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, emphasized the enduring principles of mutual respect, openness, and inclusiveness that have characterized the relationship between the two nations since its inception.

President Xi lauded the exemplary nature of China-Portugal relations, stating that the long-standing commitment to principles has vividly demonstrated the correct approach for countries to foster positive and cooperative international relations. He underscored the successful resolution of the Macao issue through amicable consultation, a testament to the diplomatic finesse between the two nations.

Moreover, Xi highlighted the establishment of a comprehensive strategic partnership and praised the joint efforts in navigating global challenges, including the financial crisis and public health issues. The leaders acknowledged the expansion of mutually beneficial cooperation among enterprises, collaborative initiatives for Belt and Road development, and joint contributions to enhancing China-EU relations. Both nations reiterated their commitment to upholding the principles of multilateralism in the face of global challenges.

Expressing high regard for the progress in China-Portugal relations, President Xi conveyed his readiness to collaborate with President Rebelo de Sousa to chart a course for an even deeper China-Portugal comprehensive strategic partnership. The shared objective is to enhance the well-being of both peoples, foster a robust and stable development of China-EU relations, and contribute significantly to global peace, stability, and prosperity.

The diplomatic exchange reflects the commitment of China and Portugal to strengthening their partnership and contributing positively to the evolving dynamics of international relations.