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Ilham Aliyev Secures 92.4% in Social Research Center’s Exit Poll

Baku, February 07, 2024, The Europe Today: The Social Research Center has unveiled the outcomes of its comprehensive exit poll conducted during the snap presidential election held on Wednesday. Natalia Isayeva, a representative of the Social Research Center, presented the findings, offering valuable insights into the sentiments and preferences of voters across various regions.

Conducted across 125 polling stations spanning 25 constituencies, the exit poll engaged 5,012 respondents, providing a diverse and representative sample of the electorate. Notably, 24 percent of the respondents hailed from the city of Baku, 7.9 percent from the cities of Ganja and Sumgait, and 44.3 percent represented rural residents.

The exit poll results, as disclosed by Natalia Isayeva, are as follows:

  • Ilham Aliyev: 92.4 percent
  • Zahid Oruj: 2.2 percent
  • Fazil Mustafa: 2 percent
  • Gudrat Hasanguliyev: 1.6 percent
  • Elshad Musayev: 0.8 percent
  • Fuad Aliyev: 0.4 percent
  • Razi Nurullayev: 0.3 percent

The overwhelming support for the incumbent President, Ilham Aliyev, is evident in the exit poll results, reflecting a strong endorsement from the majority of respondents. The inclusion of diverse geographic representations ensures a comprehensive understanding of the electorate’s perspectives.

As the official results are anticipated in the coming days, the Social Research Center’s exit poll stands as a crucial tool for gauging public sentiment and preferences during this consequential electoral event. The Center’s commitment to rigorous and representative polling reinforces the transparency and integrity of the democratic process in Azerbaijan.