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Foundation University Islamabad

“Invest in Women, Accelerate Progress”, Celebrating International Women’s Day with Kazakhstan Diplomat at Foundation University Islamabad

Islamabad, March 07, 2024, The Europe Today: Department of Arts and Media at Foundation University Islamabad celebrated International Women’s Day focusing the UN theme for International Women Day 2024, “Invest in Women, Accelerate Progress”. Dr Hina Shahid, Head Department of Arts and Media welcomed the chief guest Ms Zhanna Kadekova from the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. This celebration highlighted the importance of the role of women in the bringing the two brotherly nations closer to each other as they share a deep bond rooted in history, culture, and shared values as our partnership continues to strengthen and evolve in the modern world expanded across various fields, including trade, education, defense, and cultural exchange.

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Ms. Zhanna highlighted the history of the diplomatic relations of Pakistan and Kazakhstan articulating the fact that , there is immense potential for further deepening and diversifying the Kazakhstan-Pakistan partnership by engaging the women from various fields of life to explore new avenues for cooperation as both Kazakhstan and Pakistan have cooperated closely on regional and international issues, supporting each other on matters of mutual interest and working together to promote peace, stability, and development in our respective regions and beyond.

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The Kazakh diplomat mentioned that Kazakh and Pakistani women can collaborate together for women empowerment in various domains. She also shared her personal experience that before coming to Pakistan she had an image of Pakistan that the world has unfortunately highlighted, but after she moved to Pakistan and visited different places, she was so happy to see successful females working in the government, fashion industry, journalism, and education sector excelling their roles despite facing various challenges.

International Women’s Day is not just a day of celebration; it’s a day of reflection and action, a momentous occasion that serves as a reminder of the incredible contributions women have made throughout history, as well as the ongoing struggle for gender equality. Ms. Zhanna expressed her appreciation for women who have been at the forefront of social change, challenging the status quo and paving the way for a more just and inclusive world. Yet, despite the progress we have made, we cannot ignore the fact that gender inequality still persists in many aspects of society. International women day is the day to acknowledge the progress we’ve made and recognize the challenges that still lie ahead.

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It’s a day to celebrate the achievements of women in every field, from politics to science, from the arts to business. She quoted founder of Pakistan Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, on the occasion as he said “No nation can rise to the height of glory unless your women are side by side with you.”

Ms. Uzma Osho, an aspiring entrepreneur in attendance, gave an inspiring overview of women entrepreneurs in Pakistan and the challenges and opportunities for them to start their businesses on small scale. She appreciated the efforts of the women as they are consistently working to overcome hurdles and continue to bring change in the society.

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Dr. Hina Shahid, HoD Arts and Media, expressed her deepest gratitude to the esteemed speaker and chief guest Ms Zhanna Kadekova from the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Dr. Hina Shahid and Ms. Zhanna Kadekova discussed various avenues for collaboration and pledged to further work together into different fields to enhance the diplomatic relations and people to people connection between the two brotherly states that is aligned with the university’s long-term strategy to encourage the greater opportunities for students of Arts & Media to learn more about the cultural and diplomatic relations of brotherly nations. In the end of this vibrant celebration a token of appreciation in the form of shield was presented to Ms. Zhanna Kadekova in gratitude of her tireless efforts and valuable contributions towards Pakistan Kazakhstan deep rooted relations.