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Turkmenistan's Ambassador to Georgia Explores Medical University Collaboration with Tbilisi State Medical University

Turkmenistan’s Ambassador to Georgia Explores Medical University Collaboration with Tbilisi State Medical University

Tbilisi, March 12, 2024, The Europe Today: Turkmenistan’s Ambassador to Georgia Dovletmyrat Seitmammedov, recently engaged in a fruitful meeting with the Rector of Tbilisi State Medical University, Irakli Natroshvili. The discussions focused on the promising avenues for broadening collaboration between the medical universities of Turkmenistan and Georgia, as reported by the publication “Turkmenistan: Golden Age.”

Both parties acknowledged the positive dynamics characterizing the development of Turkmen-Georgian relations across various sectors, with a particular emphasis on education. The consistent exchange of visits, joint conferences, and forums emerged as catalysts for fostering strong and constructive ties in the realm of education.

A key point of discussion was the previously inked Cooperation Agreement between the State Medical University of Turkmenistan, named after M. Garryev, and Tbilisi Medical University. This agreement has proven instrumental in elevating academic and scientific exchanges between the two nations’ universities.

The meeting concluded with both parties expressing their readiness to further cultivate mutually beneficial partnerships. The commitment extends to the implementation of joint projects and programs aimed at reinforcing scientific and cultural ties between Turkmenistan and Georgia. The collaboration between the medical institutions is poised to contribute significantly to the broader framework of cooperation, emphasizing the shared commitment to advancing education, research, and cultural understanding between the two nations.