Introduction to COP
COP, as a forum for countries to unite, and negotiate on emissions reduction strategies, stands out as an important platform for states to meet, discuss, and act. Azerbaijani soil is COP29, after that people will be gnawing their fingertips to know what Azerbaijan is going to finally bring. This article concentrates primarily on the crucial role of Azerbaijan as one of the hosts of COP29.
It highlights features that make this country specifically privileged, which overlap with those posing challenges to its country in general and those offering opportunities for it to contribute to the global climate change war. Azerbaijan, which is distinguished by its special position between Europe and Asia, can be truly recognized as a treasure house of cultural heritage and natural glories. It is between the Caspian Sea and Greater Caucasus mountains, the country not only offers a spectacular scenery for COP 29 but also underlines the wide geographical spectrum that must be commended and conserved. COP 29 in Azerbaijan is arguably not diluted in symbolic substance but as a token demonstrating the country’s duty to promote sustainable growth and safekeeping of the planet’s environment. The Azerbaijan government is aware of the necessity to which is crucial as a lack of proper waste management can lead to the accumulation of trash and environmental pollution. Rwanda’s funding for wind and solar power development submits the commitment to environment-first transition to the country.In addition, the COP 29 happening in the Azerbaijan brings along with itself a great political importance. The country is positioned at this inter-regional way of Europe and Asia, serving as a bridge for dialogue and collaboration, across nations with a dynamically expanding number of groupings and blocs. This geographical brake stands for what COP stands for . Assembling nations from the four corners of the world to achieve consensus on actions concerning climate.
Nevertheless, Azerbaijan, just like many countries, has to overcome the aspects of negative climate-related impacts. The Caspian Sea, one of the biggest enclosed seas of the world’s entire surface, may suffer various consequences of climate changes including the increase of sea level and distancing of animal-human relationships. COP 29 becomes a unique platform not only for Azerbaijan to represent its initiatives in the environmental field but for sharing difficulties as well across the globe.
COP 29
In the conduction of COP 29, Azerbaijan can project its voice loudly and influence globally in climate change discourse. This session will be helpful in providing the shape of our planet’s future, which could be a peaceful world. Azerbaijan’s turn is now to show it’s leadership skill, share its experiences and establish its position among the core partners in the field of sustainable and resilient development .As we plunge into the multifaceted hassles of coping with COP 29 within Azerbaijan, It encompasses more than mere an event it is rather the symbol of the hope, the platform for creativity and above all the proof of our dedication to securing the bright future of the planet for our children. With Azerbaijan being the host in this global struggle against climate change its cultural background intertwine are shouldering takes a fresh new dimension with the future thinking climate action. This platform to make legit steps in an aim to build a world that is both prosperous and equal for all.
COP is the conference of the parties and it is held every year in the form of a multi-lateral session of almost all countries on the earth with a climate focus. COP, also known as the United Nations Climate Change Conference, is the main platform where countries, including the UN member states, multilateral institutions, and organizations, come together to foster climate action. One of the biggest legal frameworks on the climate change issue, they have risen from these meetings specifically the Kyoto Protocol in 1997 and the Paris Agreement in 2015. Within these meet ups, the nation-states have open discussions on carbon end goals, climate finances, and adaption options among other matters. It happens to take different states each year at the conference.
Due to COP’s size and diversity, the inconsistency between views as well as the willingness to act has been observed in its history. After two decades of endless works, there is still no convincing evidence of a low-scale climate action trend- and especially the reduction of emissions is yet to be seen. On the one hand, this platform is what makes the compromise position in international relations an effective tool, but on the other hand, it can also be stale. A sound COP is impossible to be found but it undoubtedly continues to be essential for resolving the matter of climate change.
The UN Climate Alter Conference, also known as the Conference of the Parties to the UN System Tradition on Climate Alter (‘COP’), is a yearly assembly at the legislative level aimed at creating a common climate procedure. The COP serves as the most elevated arranging body for nations to execute the arrangements of the UN System Tradition on Climate Alter (UNFCCC), the Kyoto Convention, and the Paris Assertion.
The UN System Tradition on Climate Alter (UNFCCC) came into constrain on Walk 21, 1994, with the extreme objective of anticipating perilous human obstructions with the Earth’s climate framework. As of now, 198 nations have approved this all-inclusive worldwide archive.
The Kyoto Convention was planned as an extra instrument to the Tradition to diminish emanations of nursery gasses into the Earth’s environment and combat worldwide warming. The Convention was embraced on December 11, 1997, and entered into constrain on February 16, 2005 and Azerbaijan joined in 2000.
The Paris Understanding embraced in 2015, is additionally a legitimately authoritative universal arrangement on climate alter and is an expansion to the Convention. Subsequently, Azerbaijan, which joined the Paris Climate Understanding in 2016, has made an intentional commitment to decrease nursery gas emanations by 35% by 2030, compared to the base year of 1990.
Subsequently, the objective of the COP is to lead the world out of the climate emergency. States meet yearly to degree advance towards commitments made beneath universal climate alter traditions and arrange multilateral reactions to climate alter. In essence, COP represents a bound together worldwide stage where participants combat one of the foremost critical existential dangers of our time worldwide warming. Each year, the arrangements held inside the Conference become more complex, with a pressed plan. The number of official government appointments, specialists, commerce agents, respectful society members, and media delegates partaking from around the world increases every year.
Azerbaijan Significance as a Host
Azerbaijan remains committed to satisfying its universal commitments concerning the UN Feasible Advancement Objectives and the battle against climate alteration. As an accomplice of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC, Azerbaijan is pleased to contribute to the worldwide exertion to combat climate alter. The later improvements in 2023, counting the marking of the SOCAR Oil and Gas Decarbonisation Constitution and intentional commitments made at COP28 to decrease methane outflows, illustrate Azerbaijan’s dedication to tending to this issue. At the same time, the country’s dynamic part as the Chair of the Non-Aligned Development (NAM), the commitments and proposition to the worldwide integration preparation have earned Azerbaijan the regard and belief of numerous nations.
On December 25, 2023, Azerbaijan pronounced 2024 to be the ‘Green World Solidarity Year’ within the nation. This choice among others reflects the nation’s commitment to fortifying solidarity in combating climate change and advancing maintainable advancement.
COP29 in Azerbaijan appears to the international community’s regard and belief in Azerbaijan. It moreover underwrites our country’s contribution to natural security and climate alter avoidance at national, territorial, and worldwide . Azerbaijan will have COP29 at a high level .This will be a critical victory for our nation and a worldwide commitment to abating climate alter.
Azerbaijan to Host Global Cop 29th Climate Summit in 2024
Azerbaijan will have the 29th Conference of the Parties to the UN System Tradition on Climate Alter, known too as COP29, in 2024. Azerbaijan reliably underpins worldwide climate activity and executes different vitality productivity measures. Clean environment and green development are among our national needs. Renewable vitality is picking up energy in Azerbaijan. Hosting the 29th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP29) to the UN System Tradition on Climate Alter in 2024 stems from firm assurance to contribute to worldwide endeavors to manage climate change.
Affirmation of Azerbaijan’s COP29 status came at the entire session of COP28 on December 11, after Baku won collective backing from other Eastern European nations. The occasion is planned to be put in November following year.
Azerbaijan gets the basic significance of collaborative endeavors to combat climate alteration. Solid political will illustrated by President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and the bolster by other Eastern European Gather part states to Azerbaijan’s assignment to have COP29 have been vital in today’s success.
Azerbaijan affirmed the commitments beneath the 2015 Paris Understanding to diminish the outflow of nursery gasses by 35 percent by 2030 and bring it to 40 percent by 2050.
Baku marked the 2015 Paris Assention, a lawfully official settlement on climate change, in April 2016 and has since been effectively working to provide on the issues prioritized by the government.
The Paris Assertion sets long-term objectives to direct all countries to decrease worldwide nursery gas outflows considerably and hold worldwide temperature increment to well below 2°C over pre-industrial levels. It includes that nations must seek endeavors to restrain worldwide temperature increment to 1.5°C over pre-industrial levels, and recognizes that this would essentially diminish the dangers and impacts of climate alter.
It moreover calls on the signatories to occasionally survey the collective advance towards accomplishing the reason for this assertion and its long-term objectives, as well as give financing to creating nations to moderate climate alter, reinforce flexibility, and upgrade capacities to adjust to climate impacts.
The Azerbaijani government moreover plans to convert the freed Karabakh (Garabagh) and East Zangazur districts completely into a “Net-Zero Emission” Zone as a priority within the progressing recreation and improvement ventures, as well as decrease carbon dioxide emanations by 40 percent by 2050. The green vitality potential of the freed domains of Azerbaijan incorporates nearly all sorts of renewable vitality sources, including hydro, sun-based, wind, and geothermal.
Azerbaijan will have COP29 in November 2024. COP29 will not as it were serve as an assembly for outside agents and visitors but moreover carry an incredible duty for Azerbaijan as the organizer and chair of the Conference motivation. In this respect, Azerbaijan’s essential assignment will be to competently and effectively arrange the plan and encourage the determination of the Conference’s fundamental issues. At the same time, it is vital to ensure the security and appropriate distribution of the conference foundation. This includes identifying appropriate areas for obliging visitors and holding respective and multilateral gatherings inside the conference system. At long last, whereas COP members are nations, the primary group of onlookers for accomplishing the COP’s objectives is the commerce community within those countries.
Thus, COP29 can also be considered a ‘homework assignment’ for businesses.
Businesses at COP29 ought to present themselves with a clear vision of the feasible improvement of their exercises. To accomplish the worldwide economic advancement objectives, companies ought to begin nowadays to plan a set of internal rules and commerce approaches pointed at the economic advancement of their commerce, that’s, to get ready ESG (‘Environment, Social, Governance’) procedures and roadmaps for at slightest the primary few years. To realize the Feasible Advancement Objectives, nearby businesses ought to conduct an ESG diagnostic and review of their operations. This will offer assistance them identifying key priorities for their techniques and plan at the COP29 .
Azerbaijan, with abundant cultural values and astounding landscapes, has created a location Gincane för COP 29 talks which have situated inside it. Starting from Baku’s congested streets through the Caspian Sea’s peaceful shoreline, an international gathering composed of people from across the world joined together in spirits of oneness and perseverance as the event’s grand finale. However, the nation still committed to the issue of sustainability by coming display of renewable energy projects, environmental initiatives, as well as interest to talk on how to build a climate resilient society. Azerbaijan as the host was not only to demonstrate the commitment of the country to being the part of the solution, but also meant that there was an opportunity for substantive and constructive dialog. Azerbaijan hosting COP29 is an illustration of leadership, how very important dialogue is and what a big difference can be. The future of this issue is dependent on overall efforts, so and ensure that the future will actually be where the concern for sustainability is a way of life. With our effort, we can be victorious in the fight for climate change and build a new world ready for economic, social, and environmental sustainability.

Ms. Mehreen Gul is an International Relations expert with speciality on Eurasian Region.