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Bavarian Government

Bavarian Government Approves Regulation Limiting Gender-Sensitive Language in Official Documents and Classrooms

Berlin, March 20, 2024, The Europe Today: The conservative Bavarian Government, a southern German state, has ratified an amended regulation restricting the incorporation of gender-sensitive language in official documents and educational settings. The decision, spearheaded by the Christian Social Union (CSU) state government under Premier Markus Söder, underscores a commitment to linguistic precision while upholding the principles of discourse within a liberal society.

The Bavarian government’s latest directive prohibits the use of symbols such as asterisks and colons in nouns, a practice previously employed to enhance inclusivity. Under the leadership of Florian Herrmann, a minister within the CSU administration, the regulation extends its purview to educators, mandating adherence to clear and unambiguous language in daily school communications, including correspondence with parents and internal memos.

Florian Herrmann emphasized the importance of linguistic clarity, asserting that “language must be clear and understandable.” However, he also underscored the significance of fostering an environment conducive to open discourse within the framework of a liberal society.

The enforcement mechanism for the new regulation remains unspecified, leaving ambiguity regarding potential penalties for non-compliance among teachers and other government personnel.

The German language, like many others, employs gendered nouns, a linguistic feature that can influence perceptions of inclusivity. Traditional usage often defaults to masculine forms, prompting efforts to adopt gender-neutral or gender-inclusive language structures. While some advocate for innovative approaches such as the “gender star” or “gender gap,” others argue for linguistic reforms to accommodate greater inclusivity without resorting to symbols that may inadvertently exclude certain groups.

In response to the Bavarian government’s decision, the German Teachers’ Association (DL) expressed support for the policy, emphasizing the importance of respectful and gender-sensitive language without overt markers. DL President Stefan Düll endorsed the move, cautioning against the potential exclusionary connotations associated with certain symbols, such as the asterisk.

The Bavarian government’s endorsement of the amended regulation signifies a nuanced approach to language reform, balancing the imperative of clarity with the aspiration for inclusivity. As linguistic norms continue to evolve, policymakers, educators, and language advocates grapple with the challenge of fostering communication that is both precise and equitable in its representation of diverse identities and experiences.