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Vietnamese Prime Minister

Vietnamese Prime Minister Hosts Farewell Reception for Outgoing Thai Ambassador

Hanoi, March 27, 2024, The Europe Today: Vietnamese Prime Minister Phạm Minh Chính extended a warm reception to Thai Ambassador Nikorndej Balankura on Wednesday, bidding farewell to the distinguished diplomat at the conclusion of his tenure. The meeting served as a platform to commend Ambassador Balankura for his instrumental role in advancing the strategic partnership between Vietnam and Thailand during his tenure.

Expressing gratitude for the Thai envoy’s contributions to enhancing bilateral cooperation, Prime Minister Chính conveyed his best wishes for Ambassador Balankura’s future endeavors. He expressed optimism that in his new capacity, Ambassador Balankura would continue to foster collaboration between the two nations, building upon the solid foundation laid in recent years.

Prime Minister Chính commended the Thai government’s efforts in renovating memorial sites dedicated to President Hồ Chí Minh in Thailand, as well as its effective resolution of legal matters concerning Vietnamese expatriates. He also acknowledged Thailand’s support for the establishment of Việt Nam town, a pioneering initiative aimed at strengthening cultural ties between the two countries.

Emphasizing Vietnam’s eagerness to welcome high-level Thai delegations in the near future, Prime Minister Chính urged both sides to work closely in preparing for the upcoming official visit of the Thai Prime Minister to Vietnam, along with the 4th Vietnam-Thailand Joint Cabinet Meeting. These interactions, he noted, would facilitate discussions on key measures to deepen bilateral relations across various sectors.

The Prime Minister underscored Vietnam’s commitment to creating an enabling environment for Thai investment, encouraging continued collaboration in infrastructure development, particularly in transportation and e-commerce. He also highlighted the importance of joint efforts in addressing climate change, advancing digital transformation, promoting tourism, and enhancing sports cooperation.

Furthermore, Prime Minister Chính emphasized the significance of bilateral cooperation in multilateral forums, advocating for ASEAN solidarity and cooperation in the development of the Mekong sub-region, and sustainable water resource management.

In response, Ambassador Balankura expressed his gratitude to the Vietnamese authorities for their support throughout his tenure and commended Vietnam’s remarkable achievements in recent years. He highlighted the immense potential for cooperation between Vietnam and Thailand, particularly in trade and investment, reaffirming Thailand’s commitment to further bolstering bilateral relations.

With bilateral trade reaching record levels, Ambassador Balankura emphasized Thailand’s aspiration to become a leading investor in Vietnam, underscoring the growing economic ties between the two nations.

Over the past decade, bilateral trade between Vietnam and Thailand has surged from US$10.4 billion in 2013 to nearly $19 billion in 2023, with notable milestones including trade surpassing the $20-billion mark in 2022. Thailand currently ranks 9th among countries investing in Vietnam, with investments totaling $13.7 billion across 715 projects.