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Kazakhstan and EU

Kazakhstan and EU Discuss Trade and Investment Development at Cooperation Committee Meeting

Brussels, April 11, 2024, The Europe Today: The 7th meeting of the Kazakhstan-European Union (EU) Trade Cooperation Committee was held in Brussels, focusing on trade and investment development between the two entities. Chaired by Vice Minister of Trade and Integration of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kairat Torebaev, and the acting head of the Directorate General of the European Commission for Trade, Leon Delvaux, the meeting took place in a hybrid format to address key bilateral trade issues.

During the meeting, a comprehensive agenda was covered, including discussions on trade and investment trends, the implementation of the Ready4Trade Central Asia project, and sanitary and phytosanitary measures aimed at expanding the range of Kazakhstani goods supplied to the EU market. Additionally, topics such as the list of export enterprises and recognition of disease regionalization measures in the EU were addressed.

The significance of cooperation in technical regulation, standardization, and metrology was highlighted as crucial for advancing mutual trade interests.

Commenting on the outcomes of the event, Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Belgium, Margulan Baimukhan, emphasized the discussions related to the implementation of the Enhanced Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between Kazakhstan and the EU. He highlighted the ongoing collaborative efforts aimed at strengthening trade ties and resolving key issues that enhance trade cooperation between Kazakhstan and European partners.

“Every year, we work on issues that bring us closer in trade cooperation with European partners,” Ambassador Baimukhan noted. “We discuss trade conditions, phytosanitary matters, technical issues, standardization, and metrology, along with priority areas of cooperation, including rare earth metals development.”

The meeting underscored the mutual benefits of sustained dialogue and collaboration between Kazakhstan and the EU, fostering a constructive framework for advancing trade relations and addressing shared challenges in the trade and investment landscape.