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Chinese State Councilor

Chinese State Councilor Urges Athletes’ Vigorous Preparations for Paris Olympics

Beijing, April 17, 2024, The Europe Today: As the countdown to the Paris Olympic Games reaches 100 days, Chinese State Councilor Shen Yiqin has emphasized the need for relentless dedication and commitment from Chinese athletes and coaches during the final phase of their preparations.

State Councilor Shen conveyed her message during an inspection of China’s fencing and shooting training bases in Beijing on Wednesday. She engaged with athletes, coaches, and staff to gain insights into their Olympic readiness and exchanged views on their training progress.

In her address, State Councilor Shen urged athletes and coaches to elevate their sense of purpose, responsibility, and pride. She emphasized the significance of rigorous training, skill enhancement, and maintaining high spirits to achieve optimal performance and pursue excellence at the Games.

Furthermore, State Councilor Shen underscored the imperative of anti-doping measures, emphasizing the importance of integrity, fair play, and ethical competition. She encouraged athletes and coaches to uphold sportsmanship values and strive for medals with moral integrity and clean performance.

The Paris Olympics are scheduled to take place from July 26 to August 11, offering a platform for athletes from around the world to showcase their talents and sportsmanship on the global stage. State Councilor Shen’s visit and directives reflect China’s commitment to athletic excellence and ethical participation in international sporting events.