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Surveillance Tests Authorized in Paris Ahead of Olympics Using AI Technology

Paris, April 19, 2024, The Europe Today: Parisian police have granted authorization to rail company SNCF and transport operator RATP to conduct surveillance tests at four train stations in the French capital this weekend. These tests aim to refine surveillance capabilities in preparation for this summer’s Olympics.

The companies will have access to more than 100 cameras positioned at train stations to monitor crowds attending two major events: a pop concert by the Black-Eyed Peas and a soccer match between Paris Saint-Germain and Olympique Lyon. The surveillance footage will be analyzed using artificial intelligence and algorithm-based technology to enhance crowd monitoring and security measures.

Authorities intend to utilize surveillance software to identify individuals entering specific areas, scan for abandoned bags, monitor crowd size, and track crowd movement. This initiative represents the second surveillance test in Paris, following a similar exercise conducted during a large concert in March.

Parisian and Olympic officials plan to implement AI-assisted surveillance during the upcoming Olympics scheduled from July 26 to August 11. The use of surveillance cameras will not include facial recognition software but will incorporate body scanners to bolster security measures.

Given previous terror incidents in Paris, including attacks on large gatherings, security concerns are heightened for this summer’s Olympic events. French President Emmanuel Macron has emphasized the importance of contingency planning, including the option to relocate the opening ceremony from its original venue along the River Seine, should security threats necessitate such action.

These surveillance tests underscore efforts by Paris authorities and event organizers to enhance security measures using innovative technologies to ensure the safety and well-being of participants and spectators during the forthcoming Olympic Games.