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Chinese Foreign Minister

Chinese Foreign Minister Supports Prompt Admission of Palestine to the United Nations

Port Moresby, April 20, 2024, The Europe Today: During a press conference held on Saturday, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi reiterated his strong support for the prompt admission of Palestine into the United Nations, emphasizing that such a move is crucial to rectify a prolonged historical injustice.

Minister Wang, who is also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, made these remarks while speaking alongside his counterpart from Papua New Guinea, Justin Tkatchenko.

The Chinese Foreign Minister’s statement underscores China’s unwavering commitment to addressing historical injustices and advocating for the rights of the Palestinian people on the international stage. Prompt admission of Palestine to the United Nations aligns with China’s principled stance on upholding sovereignty, territorial integrity, and the right to self-determination for all nations.

Minister Wang’s remarks further signal China’s continued support for efforts aimed at achieving a just and lasting resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict through diplomatic channels and international cooperation.

The press conference highlighted China’s proactive engagement in global affairs and its dedication to promoting peace, stability, and justice in the Middle East region.