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China-Europe Freight

China-Europe Freight Train Services Witness Robust Growth in Transport Capacity and Efficiency

Beijing, May 13, 2024, The Europe Today: China-Europe freight train services have experienced significant expansion and enhancement in transport capacity, efficiency, and service quality during the first four months of 2024, according to the latest report from China State Railway Group Co., Ltd. (China Railway).

In a statement released on Monday, China Railway disclosed that the number of China-Europe freight train services surged by 10 percent year on year, totaling 6,184 trips from January to April 2024. This notable increase underscores the growing demand for rail transport between China and Europe, facilitated by the continuous optimization of logistical networks and infrastructure.

Moreover, the volume of goods transported through these freight trains witnessed a substantial uptick, reaching approximately 675,000 20-foot equivalent units (TEU), reflecting an 11 percent increase compared to the corresponding period last year. This surge in cargo volume underscores the vital role played by China-Europe freight train services in facilitating international trade and supply chain connectivity.

As of the end of April, a cumulative total of 89,000 China-Europe freight train trips had been successfully completed, serving a network spanning 223 cities across 25 European countries. This extensive reach highlights the strategic significance of China-Europe rail connections in promoting economic cooperation and fostering regional integration.

The continued growth and development of China-Europe freight train services underscore China’s commitment to enhancing connectivity and promoting trade facilitation on a global scale. With ongoing efforts to bolster transport infrastructure and streamline logistics operations, China Railway remains dedicated to further advancing the efficiency and reliability of cross-border rail transportation, thereby contributing to the sustainable development of international trade and economic prosperity.