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British Embassy, UNDP in Turkmenistan sign MoU on GHG emissions

British Embassy, UNDP in Turkmenistan sign MoU on GHG emissions

Ashgabat, December 09, 2023, The Europe Today: The British Embassy in Turkmenistan and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to continue their partnership in the third phase of the development of a national greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inventory project in Turkmenistan.

The project will assist the Government of Turkmenistan in assessing actual GHG emissions and will allow it to take the necessary actions to reduce domestic emissions within the framework of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Paris Climate Agreement.

This initiative builds on the UK Embassy’s ongoing climate work and further strengthens the successful partnership with UNDP in promoting and supporting specific climate action in Turkmenistan.

Narine Sahakyan, UNDP Resident Representative in Turkmenistan noted:

“We are pleased to work with our long-standing partner, the British Embassy in Turkmenistan, in supporting Turkmenistan’s efforts to meet its UNFCCC and Paris Agreement commitments, including reducing GHG emissions and the country’s contribution to global efforts to combat climate change. UNDP remains committed to strengthening national resilience and enhancing the country’s adaptive capacity to counter the adverse impacts of climate change.”