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Fifth Batch of “Sofosbuvir-400mg” Anti-Hepatitis C Drug Arrives in Tashkent

Tashkent, February 18, 2024, The Europe Today: Fifth batch of the anti-hepatitis C drug “Sofosbuvir-400mg,” totaling 6,720 units, has been successfully delivered to Tashkent from Egypt according to the Uzbek media.

According to the Embassy of Uzbekistan, a bilateral agreement has been established with the Egyptian government, outlining the transfer of a substantial quantity of anti-hepatitis drugs to Uzbekistan until 2025. The agreement encompasses a total of 800 thousand units (approximately 40 tons) of the anti-hepatitis C drugs “Daklatasvir” and “Sofosbuvir,” along with the anti-hepatitis B drug “Entecavir.” The overall value of this medical assistance amounts to $4.2 million.

During the course of 2023, a portion of these essential drugs, valued at a total of $696,000, was gradually dispatched to Uzbekistan to address the medical needs of the population.

On February 10th, “Uzbekistan Airways” marked the fourth successful delivery in 2024 of the anti-hepatitis drug “Sofosbuvir-400mg,” generously allocated by the Egyptian government as humanitarian aid. The shipment originated from Sharm el-Sheikh and was transported to Tashkent. A total of 6,720 units of the “Sofosbuvir-400mg” drug, carefully packed in 12 boxes, will be distributed to patients at the Research Institute of Virology under the Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan.

This ongoing collaboration between Uzbekistan and Egypt exemplifies the spirit of international cooperation and solidarity, contributing to the well-being and health of the Uzbekistani population grappling with hepatitis-related health challenges. The continuous humanitarian aid serves as a testament to the strong bilateral relations between the two nations and their shared commitment to addressing global health issues.