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Japanese Ambassador Joins Taza Kazakhstan Ecological Campaign

Japanese Ambassador Joins Taza Kazakhstan Ecological Campaign

Astana, April 21, 2024, The Europe Today: In a show of solidarity with environmental efforts in Kazakhstan, Jun Yamada, the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Japan to Kazakhstan, participated in a city clean-up as part of the nationwide Taza Kazakhstan ecological campaign, as reported by Kazakh media.

Ambassador Yamada, along with representatives from the Japanese embassy, actively engaged in cleaning the monument that honors the enduring friendship between Kazakhstan and Japan, along with its surrounding area. This symbolic gesture underscores the shared commitment of both nations towards environmental sustainability and the preservation of natural heritage.

Furthermore, as part of the ecological campaign, local residents joined hands with the embassy representatives to contribute to the greening of the city by planting approximately 100 trees. This collective effort highlights the importance of community involvement and international cooperation in fostering a cleaner and greener environment.

The participation of Ambassador Yamada and the Japanese embassy in the Taza Kazakhstan campaign reflects Japan’s ongoing support for environmental initiatives in Kazakhstan, emphasizing the significance of global partnerships in addressing environmental challenges and promoting ecological awareness.

The Taza Kazakhstan campaign continues to inspire collaborative action across communities and international stakeholders, demonstrating a collective dedication to environmental stewardship and sustainable development.