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ClasicFest Festival

Turkmen Embassy in Romania Participates in ClasicFest Festival Celebrating “Cultures of the World”

Bucharest, May 28, 2024, The Europe Today: The Embassy of Turkmenistan in Romania proudly joined the 13th ClasicFest festival held on May 25 near Bucharest, hosted within the cultural center of the Mogosoaia park and palace complex. This year’s festival, themed “Cultures of the World,” saw active participation from various countries, each showcasing their unique cultural heritage.

At the national stand organized by the Turkmen Embassy, visitors had the opportunity to explore the country’s economic accomplishments alongside its rich cultural values. Ambassador A. Annaev delivered a poignant speech underscoring the profound influence of Magtymguly Fragi’s creativity on Turkmen language, literature, national identity, and statehood, emphasizing his enduring contribution to universal spiritual values.

Throughout the festival, attendees were treated to enlightening videos depicting the life and legacy of Magtymguly Fragi, as well as a captivating documentary about Turkmenistan, thoughtfully curated by Romanian National Television.

In the musical segment of the festivities, the Turkmen delegation delighted the audience with traditional folk melodies played on the dutar, a traditional string instrument, and a captivating performance by a folk ensemble showcasing the kushtdepdi dance.

The participation of the Turkmen Embassy in ClasicFest exemplifies the commitment to fostering cultural exchange and strengthening bilateral ties between Turkmenistan and Romania. Such cultural events serve as invaluable platforms for promoting mutual understanding and appreciation of diverse cultural traditions, further enhancing the bonds of friendship and cooperation between nations.

The press service of the Embassy reported on the successful engagement of the Turkmen delegation in the festival, highlighting the vibrant showcase of Turkmen culture and heritage that left a lasting impression on attendees.